Product Code: SLP 1009
Artist: Mina Foley
Origin: New Zealand
Label: Stebbing Recording
Format: LP
Availability: Enquire Now
Cover: VG+
Record: VG+
Genre: U

Miniature Concert

Nice clean vinyl and gloss flapback cover.

In the early fifties musical life in New Zealand was captivated by a young singer, Mina Foley, who was, according to the headlines of the time "A sellout everywhere".

In 1955 Mina toured New Zealand, and every concert was sold out. In fact people queued to get in the capacity houses. In a concert in Hamilton, 400 people waited out in the street unable to get inside.

Mina travelled to England and won a British Council Scholarship to Italy. The newspaper L'Osservatore Romano called her the 'Italian Nightingale'...