Product Code: GH 506
Artist: Donovan
Origin: New Zealand
Label: Golden Hour (1965)
Format: LP
Availability: Enquire Now
Cover: VG
Record: VG+
Genre: Pop U

Golden Hour Of Donovan

Nice clean vinyl with a good gloss cover.

Golden Hour of Donovan is a compilation album from Scottish singer-songwriter Donovan. It was released in the United Kingdom (Golden Hour Records GH 506) in November 1971.

By 1971, Pye Records transferred the rights to release Donovan's 1965 recordings from their budget label Marble Arch Records to a second subsidiary budget label Golden Hour Records. Golden Hour assembled Golden Hour of Donovan for the British market. The album featured detailed artwork of a jigsaw puzzle with Donovan's likeness. Later in 1995 it was released by Castle Communications Limited with a photo of Donovan as the artwork.